Complete Overview and Guide to Nature Throid

Complete Overview and Guide to Nature Throid

The Thyroid is an important part of the endocrine system. This gland is responsible for producing two crucial hormones that are involved in the regulation of metabolism, body temperature, and even your heart rate.


There are certain things that can affect the function of the Thyroid gland. In turn, the production of Thyroid hormones may be affected.


In some cases, too many hormones are produced, but in other scenarios, your Thyroid gland may not be able to make enough hormones.


Hypothyroidism is a medical term used to describe an inadequate number of Thyroid hormones. It is quite common in the general population.


One study1 describes that the prevalence may be as high as 10% - with women being far more likely to develop the condition than men.


Several treatments have been developed to assist with the management of Hypothyroidism. While conventional methods that utilize synthetic hormones are commonly prescribed, some patients prefer to opt for alternative options that utilize hormones from a more natural source.


In this article, we take a closer look at a natural Thyroid medication, known as Nature Throid, and how this product could be an excellent alternative to Levothyroxine and other treatment options.


What Are The Conventional Treatment Options For Hypothyroidism?

Even though a significant amount of research has already gone into the treatment of Hypothyroidism, physicians and specialists are still finding it challenging to treat this particular condition effectively.


The most common drug that is prescribed to a patient when they have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism is Levothyroxine2.


Even though this medication can yield effective results in terms of ensuring a person reaches a euthyroid state, the quality-of-life in the patient is often not enhanced along with the improvement in Thyroid hormone levels.


Achieving the right prescription amount of Levothyroxine is currently considered the biggest challenge in terms of treating Hypothyroidism. There are multiple factors that affect the amount of Levothyroxine that a patient should take.


Body weight is generally considered to be the first element to consider when it comes to prescribing a dose. While the majority of physicians prefer to start at a lower dose and gradually increase the dosage until the patient reaches a state of euthyroid, others have found initiating the treatment with a higher dose to be effective as well.


Combination therapy has also been developed, where Levothyroxine is administered to a patient, along with triiodothyronine. This may help to provide a further improvement in the balance of Thyroid hormones, including both thyroxine and triiodothyronine.


The challenges being faced is not the only concern. There are certain side-effects that often become present in patients who take Levothyroxine for Hypothyroidism. These side-effects can be unpleasant and may include3:


  • Unexpected weight loss
  • An increase in the patient’s appetite
  • Increased sensitivity to heat
  • Headaches
  • Sweating may become excessive
  • Hyperactivity
  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness


While not all patients do experience adverse effects, it has been noted that these side-effects are present in a significant number of patients. The development of these side-effects could impair the patient’s ability to experience an improvement in their quality-of-life, which should come with a restoration of hormone balance.


An Overview Of Nature Throid

Nature Throid was actually one of the very first options that were developed for the treatment of Hypothyroidism. The medication was initially released in the 1930s.


Nature-Throid essentially utilizes a natural Thyroid hormone in order to restore levels of these hormones in the patient’s body. This means the patient is not exposed to artificial or synthetic ingredients, which generally brings about the thought that this treatment may be a safer option for people with existing Hypothyroidism.


While Nature-Throid is able to offer the patient access to a more natural solution in treating their insufficient levels of Thyroid hormones, there are still some concerns that have been raised regarding the use of this medicine.


At the moment, scientific evidence is somewhat limited in terms of providing evidence that natural Throid extracts are as effective as conventional treatments. Very few studies have actually compared the effects of Levothyroxine to that of a natural Throid supplementation, simply because it is not as popular.


For this reason, patients may often find that not all physicians are willing to provide them with a prescription for Nature-Throid. A large number of physicians prefer to opt for treatment protocols that are currently recommended and try to avoid experimental drugs that may not yet have been proven safe and effective.


Nature-Throid is comprised of natural extracts that provide the patient’s body access to the hormones that are needed. The product is free of synthetic hormones that one would usually find in a conventional treatment option, which means the body is not exposed to these chemicals.


The product is also gluten-free and considered hypoallergenic. These are important features. While an allergic reaction to Levothyroxine is rare, this is a possibility that some patients have reported and experienced. Thus, with a hypoallergenic product, the patient is not likely to experience such adverse effects.


The Nature-Throid supplement also does not contain artificial flavors or colors. There are no shellfish, yeast, rice, soy, fish, or eggs utilize in the production of the medication. This further improves on the hypoallergenic factor that the medication is able to offer the patient who is in need of a natural way to treat their Hypothyroidism.


How This Medication Works

The mechanisms behind Nature-Throid is actually very similar to how Levothyroxine works. The primary difference between the two medications is the fact that Levothyroxine is produced in a laboratory as a synthetic version of the Thyroxine hormone. Nature-Throid, on the other hand, contains natural Throid hormones that are usually extracted from the Thyroid gland of a pig.


There is another critical difference between the two that should also be noted when it comes to taking a look at how Nature-Throid works, and when comparing its mechanism of action to that of Levothyroxine.


Levothyroxine only contains a synthetic version of Thyroxine. This hormone is often referred to as T4 and publications often call it the inactive Thyroid hormone. In the human body, there are enzymes that help convert the T4 into the other type of Thyroid hormone, known as triiodothyronine. This would be the “active” Thyroid hormone and is often called T3.


With Nature-Throid, the fact that a desiccated porcine Thyroid gland is used in the production of the medication means the patient does not only gain access to Thyroxine hormones. Instead of only including Thyroxine, this particular medicine can also provide the patient’s body with triiodothyronine.


The issue that needs to be discussed here is the fact that the body is not always able to effectively turn all of the thyroxine provided by Levothyroxine into triiodothyronine. Thus, the medication sometimes does not yield effective results. The absorption rate of the Levothyroxine can be altered by existing health conditions and due to certain interactions, that have also been noted.


When opting for a product like Nature-Throid instead, both thyroxine and triiodothyronine are administered into the patient’s body. While the level of triiodothyronine is not as significant as thyroxine int his product, the body will be given a chance to convert the extra thyroxine into the active type of Thyroid hormone.


How To Get This Medication

The fact that Nature-Throid contains a naturally-derived form of Thyroid hormones makes a lot of patients think that they will be able to walk into their local pharmacy to pick up a bottle of these pills. This is not how things work, however.


Even though the origin of Nature-Throid is from natural extracts – that being desiccated porcine Thyroid – the product is still considered a prescription drug. The drug cannot be purchased over-the-counter. The patient will first need to undergo the standard procedures to have their Hypothyroidism diagnosed.


This would include reporting to a physician with the symptoms that they are experiencing. The physician would have to conduct a physical examination.


General symptoms that the patient may present when Hypothyroidism is expected can include4:


  • Constipation
  • Cold intolerance
  • Dry skin
  • Sleep apnea
  • Weight gain
  • Stiff muscles
  • Hoarse voice
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Menorrhagia


When Hypothyroidism is the expected illness, the physician will request blood tests. These blood tests will confirm the diagnosis.


Only when levels of Thyroid hormones in the patient’s body is lower than the normal range will the physician consider providing the patient a prescription of Nature-Throid.


Possible Side-Effects Of Nature Throid

The fact that this medication contains a natural extract that provides the patient’s body access to Thyroid hormones does not necessarily guarantee its safety. It is crucial that the patient understands adverse effects may still be experienced when they utilize Nature-Throid as a treatment for their Hypothyroidism.


One of the most important adverse events that can occur would be the development of an overactive Thyroid, also known as Hyperthyroidism. This can occur in cases where the patient has taken a dose of Nature-Throid that is too high.


There is a couple of other potential side-effects that have been associated with the use of Nature-Throid, which we will note below:


  • Some patients experience hair loss during the first couple of months when they only start with this treatment.
  • Diarrhea
  • Tremors
  • Headache
  • Heat sensitivity
  • An increase in sweating
  • Tiredness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nervousness
  • Mood swings
  • Mental changes


There are also cases where more serious adverse effects may occur. These are more common in cases where the dose of Nature-Throid was significantly high. In such a case, levels of Thyroid hormones in the patient’s body may reach exceptionally high levels. Symptoms that patients need to be wary of that may signal such a scenario can include:


  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Pounding heartbeat
  • Seizures
  • Swollen feet and ankles
  • Swollen hands


Interactions And Precautions

Nature-Throid warns that there are certain precautions that patients need to be aware of before they decide to take this medication.


The company behind this drug advises patients to notify their doctor if any of the following conditions apply to them:


  • Existing allergies to medicines
  • Existing allergies to specific foods
  • Breastfeeding or pregnancy
  • Planning to become pregnant in the near future
  • Taking existing prescription drugs
  • Frequently taking over-the-counter drugs


Patients are also advised to notify their physician if they have any of the following existing conditions that they have been diagnosed with previously:


  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Adrenal gland problems
  • Pituitary gland diseases
  • Clotting disorders


Dosage And Usage Instructions

The dosage of Nature-Throid will depend on a number of factors in a patient. Similar to the conventional methods, the physician will need to closely examine the patient in order to determine what the most appropriate dose of this medicine would be for them.


Blood tests first need to be conducted to determine the current levels of Thyroid hormones in the patient’s body. The physician will also need to take the patient’s bodyweight into account.


In some cases, the dosage may need to be adjusted. This is usually the case if the patient is taking other drugs. There is also a certain dosage adjustment that may be necessary if the patient has previously been diagnosed with specific diseases.


Nature-Throid should be taken at least 30 minutes prior to a meal. It is, however, recommended to try and take medicine about one hour before the first meal of the day. Alternatively, the patient can wait two hours after the last meal of the day before they take this medication.



While conventional treatment methods used to assist in managing symptoms and effects associated with Hypothyroidism are effective, the side-effects may often pose as unpleasant events for the patient.


If you are considering the use of a natural Thyroid medication, such as Nature-Throid, it is important to consult with your physician and talk about the pros and cons.


Your physician will be able to determine if this may be a good option.


Overall, using this natural medication can assist in elevating levels of Thyroid hormone in your blood.



1 A.G. Unnikrishnan, S. Kalra, R.K. Sahay, G. Bantwal, M. John, N. Tewari. Prevalence of hypothyroidism in adults: An epidemiological study in eight cities of India. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2013.


2 A.J. Chakera, S.H.S. Pearce, B. Vaidya. Treatment for primary hypothyroidism: current approaches and future possibilities. Dovepress: Drug Design, Development, and Therapy. 22 Dec 2011.


3 Levothyroxine, Oral Tablet. Healthline. 11 Jan 2018.


4 K.T. El-Shafie. Clinical Presentation of Hypothyroidism. Journal of Family & Community Medicine. 2003.

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