Can Thyroid Diseases Cause Acne?

Can Thyroid Diseases Cause Acne?


Having anything go wrong with the thyroid gland can really cause some challenging issues for a person to overcome and push through. Thyroid diseases can create concerns with progesterone and estrogen levels, cancer, and even skin issues.


And for an adult, there is nothing more embarrassing and stressful than acne showing up on your face, when you thought the teenage years were far behind you.


Normally, doctors treat the symptoms of this problem, but they do not get to the root cause, even though 30% of adults develop acne and 75% of those adults are women, according to a Canadian Dermatology Association study.


This problem can arise even when patients are eating right, exercising, and living a healthy lifestyle.

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Thyroid and Iron Relationship

Thyroid and Iron Relationship

Thyroid disorders are characterized by the over- and underproduction of thyroid hormones.


They are caused by a variety of conditions, from certain diseases to cancerous growths.


However, recent studies suggest that it could also be caused by nutrient deficiency, specifically that of Iron.


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Stress and the Thyroid

Stress and the Thyroid


We have all been impacted by stress one way or another in our lifetime. Stress is the way our body reacts when something happens that we do not like or agree with.


We live in a world that can be stressful at times. For a lot of people, this can cause frustration and anger before, during, and after the situation.


Stressful events like a car wreck, a broken relationship, a disagreement, and/or an annoying co-worker can sometimes throw people for a loop.


But, there is much more that happens to the body than just the way people feel during stress.


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Calcium and Thyroid Relationship

Calcium and Thyroid Relationship

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in a human body.


This mineral has many important functions that only emphasize the need of well-balanced diet that delivers sufficient levels of calcium.


Your body needs calcium for vasodilation and vascular contraction, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling and many other purposes.


Bearing in mind we have more calcium than any other mineral, it would be impossible not to wonder about its link with thyroid.


Let's find out more about the relationship between calcium and thyroid gland.

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