Can Dairy Affect Hashimoto’s Disease?

Can Dairy Affect Hashimoto’s Disease?

Many patients diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease may have been experiencing worsening of their symptoms.


Despite their best attempts to improve their diet and take their medication regularly, they may still feel unpleasement. Dairy might be one of the reasons for that.


Dairy products can have many negative effects on the body when the person has Hashimoto’s disease, but do you know why? Let’s take a look at this mysterious development.


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Insulin Resistance and Hypothyroidism Connection

Insulin Resistance and Hypothyroidism Connection

Insulin resistance is a common problem today and so are thyroid-related conditions.


We are well aware of the fact that the function of the butterfly-shaped gland has a strong impact on the overall health and wellbeing of a person.


However, what is the connection between the underactive thyroid gland and insulin resistance?


Does hypothyroidism affect insulin resistance?


You'll get an answer to these and many other questions you might have in this article.


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Complete Overview of Autoimmune Paleo Diet for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Complete Overview of Autoimmune Paleo Diet for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

No autoimmune disease is easy to live with, and unfortunately, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is one of them. There are millions of people who are currently dealing with their Hashimoto’s thyroiditis diagnosis, wondering what they can do to make their life resemble the one before their diagnosis was ever made.


While it is true that now Hashimoto’s patients will have to learn to live with the new symptoms, not all hope is lost.


Have you heard of the autoimmune paleo diet? Does hearing paleo diet remind you of something that you have heard or perhaps, read somewhere?


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Impact Of Smoking On The Thyroid Gland

Impact Of Smoking On The Thyroid Gland

Smoking is considered a problem throughout the entire world, causing people to suffer from a number of diseases that causes premature death. Recent statistics show that over 480,000 people die each year with a direct link to cigarette smoking.


Second hand is just as damaging, contributing to over 41,000 deaths each year1 – this data only accounts for the United States. An approximate 37.8 million adults in the United States are smoking currently, with 76.1% of these people smoking cigarettes on a daily basis.


Publications about the damaging effects of cigarette smoking often revolve around the fact that this habit causes a risk of lung cancer, throat cancer, and similar diseases. What many fail to realize is that smoking does much more than contribute to the development of cancer. The Thyroid gland is one particular part of the body that suffers greatly among smokers.


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