Atrial fibrillation and Thyroid Relationship

Atrial fibrillation and Thyroid Relationship

The butterfly-shaped gland in your neck is of vital significance for our overall health and wellbeing. The function of thyroid influences other organs, systems, and processes in the body. At the same time, they have an impact on thyroid function which only confirms that everything in our body is connected.


For instance, problems affecting heart can have a lot to do with thyroid function and atrial fibrillation is a good example. To learn more about the relationship between atrial fibrillation and thyroid gland scroll down.


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Liver/Gallbladder and Thyroid Connection

Liver/Gallbladder and Thyroid Connection

Our body is like a system where everything is connected. The function of one organ influences that of the other.


The same is with thyroid gland whose function is influenced by various factors, but at the same time, the butterfly-shaped gland has an impact on other organs and systems in our body.


But, what is the relationship between liver/gallbladder and thyroid? Is there any sort of connection? Read on to find out.


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Is There A Connection Between Cholesterol Levels And Thyroid Health?

Is There A Connection Between Cholesterol Levels And Thyroid Health?

The body comprises of many systems and functions that all need to work together in order to assure survival. Cholesterol and Thyroid health would be an excellent example of how problems with one system in the human body can lead to problems with another function that plays an important role in the body.


Cholesterol is something that many people fear – they hear that eating certain types of food causes cholesterol to accumulate in the blood vessels, ultimately leading to blockages, heart disease, strokes, and, of course, heart attacks. This is why patients are often advised to ensure they keep their cholesterol levels in check, but things aren’t always as simple as switching out certain foods that may lead to an increase in LDL cholesterol levels.


In this post, we are going to take a look at the role that the Thyroid gland and its general function play on the regulation of cholesterol. We will also consider why it is important to keep cholesterol levels in a good balance and consider how patients can determine if their Thyroid’s health might be interfering with their ability to regulate the balance between their LDL and HDL cholesterol better.


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Losing Weight With Hashimoto’s Disease

Losing Weight With Hashimoto’s Disease

Almost two billion adults throughout the world are overweight1, each of them at a significantly increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. While some people are able to lose weight in a relatively short period of time, others tend to find it more difficult to shed excess pounds that they have gained.


This can be concerning and often leads to a person following one diet after the next – many of these diets often referred to as “fad” diets, requires a significant restriction in calories and can ultimately lead to problems like malnutrition.


When weight loss seems like a difficult challenge, it is important to consider underlying issues in the human body that may contribute to excessive weight gain and, of course, difficulty reducing body weight.


Hashimoto’s disease is an example of a condition that can cause weight gain and make a journey toward a healthier body weight seemingly impossible. With adequate knowledge of the condition, appropriate treatment, and an effective weight loss strategy that takes the condition into account, weight loss is certainly possible.


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